Rick Smith Semnnar


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Loughran-Field Kennels At Oakland
Orange, Virginia

May 13-15, 2005

Special thanks to Dave Pomfret and Rick Smith for letting me attend and have such a good time!!  I hope you had as much fun as I did.

There are about 420 pictures for you to view.  I cut a few that were not worthy but, left some in that were applicable to the series of steps Rick was working on. 

Click on the link below to get to the pictures.  This will take you to a small group of thumbnails.  Click on the thumbnail and a larger version will come up for viewing.  To move to the next photo just click in the center of the picture. 

The pictures are low resolution thumbnails which are not representative of how they will look once printed on fine art paper. 



Last update 02/27/2017


All © proofs, pictures & negatives are the exclusive property of Lynda Troutt Murphy.

The right of reproduction is in accordance with all U.S. Copyright Laws.





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